Apex Legends Wiki

The subject of this article appears in Apex Legends. The Summer of Plunder sale was a minor event for Season 5 Season 5 of Apex Legends that ran from July 21st, 2020 to July 28th, 2020. It released 2 bundles containing skins from the Voidwalker Voidwalker event, a Loba themed bundle with exclusive items, and also featured 3 Apex Pack Apex Packs bundles.

Store Items[ | ]

Main article: Store

Bundles[ | ]

This bundle costs Apex Coins 2,500.

Legend Skins
Weapon Skins
Banner Frames

This bundle costs Apex Coins 1,000.

Legend Skins
Weapon Skins

This exclusive bundle costs Apex Coins 2,500.

Legend Skins
Weapon Skins
Legend Unlocks

This bundle costs Apex Coins 700.

Weapon Charms
Apex Packs

This bundle costs Apex Coins 2,000.

Weapon Charms
Apex Packs

This bundle costs Apex Coins 5,000.

Weapon Skins
Apex Packs
