Apex Legends Wiki
Aku telah melihat dunia ketika aku bukan seorang Legend... dan aku juga melihat keberadaanku. Kita semua membuat pilihan dalam hidup, setiap detik, setiap hari, dan pilihan-pilihan itu... yang menentukan kita, tetapi tidak bisa mengendalikan kita. Kami adalah masa depan, bukan masa lalu. Apapun pilihanmu, keberadaanmu adalah dunia yang Kamu pilih... Terimalah. Ketika Kamu menjadi seorang Legend, suatu saat bisa menjadi sesuatu yang lain. Akhirnya, tidak ada yang mengendalikanku.
Interdimensional Skirmisher
Real Name Renee H. Blasey
Gender Wanita
Age 32
Homeworld Typhon[1]
Height 5’4" (163 cm)
Legend Type Offensive Legend Icon Offensive
Tactical Ability Into the Void Into the Void
Passive Ability Voices from the Void Voices from the Void
Ultimate Ability Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift
Passive Perk Low Profile Low Profile
Real-world Info
Voice Actor Shantel VanSanten

Wraith adalah seorang Legend gratis dan tidak terkunci di awal game.

Offensive Legend Icon Offensive Legend serbaguna, Wraith dapat memposisikan ulang dan mengapit musuh dengan kemampuannya. Menggunakan Into the Void Into the Void akan memungkinkan Wraith untuk memposisikan ulang atau berlindung saat menghilang, sementara Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift dapat membawa rekan squadnya ke tempat aman dalam jarak jauh. Terakhir, Voices from the Void Voices from the Void pasif dapat memberikan peringatan diri dan rekan satu timnya jika ada musuh yang mendekat.

Biografi[ | ]

Subjek 61137, Nama kode "Wraith", adalah seorang whirlwind fighter, yang mampu melakukan serangan cepat dan mematikan serta memanipulasi ruangwaktu dengan membuka celah dalam susunan kenyataan. Bertahun-tahun yang lalu, dia terbangun di Fasilitas Penahanan IMC karena Penyakit Mental lupa ingatan kehidupan sebelumnya. Dia juga mendengarkan suara-suara berbisik di pikirannya yang membuat dirinya tetap terjaga selama berhari-hari dan hampir membuatnya gila.

Dia berada di fasilitas tersebut suatu hari setelah portal dibuka dan sebelum dirinya dibius. Seseorang yang menggunakan helm berwarna ungu keluar, menakuti staf fasilitas. Orang itu memarahinya karena tidak melawan dan mengungkapkan dirinya kepada Wraith. Dia merupakan cerminan dirinya dari dimensi lain, dalam misi balas dendam pada orang-orang yang telah melakukan percobaan terhadapnya. Dengan bantuan Voidwalker, dia belajar mempercayai suara-suara itu dan diberi perangkat yang dibutuhkannya untuk memanipulasi kekosongan dengan aman.[1]

Menggunakan portal ke dimensi Voidwalker memungkinkan dirinya untuk melarikan diri dari fasilitas tersebut menuju Kings Canyon - masih dalam pembangunan untuk Apex Games.[1] Bertekad untuk mengungkap identitas aslinya, Wraith memulai misi untuk mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang percobaan penelitian dan dirinya sendiri. Namun, banyak fasilitas penelitian lama terkubur di bawah arena yang dijaga ketat yang saat ini digunakan untuk Apex Games. Dia sekarang kembali ke tempat dirinya tiba dan mengikuti kompetisi, dan pada setiap pertandingan, dia semakin dekat dengan kebenaran.

Kemampuan[ | ]

Into the Void[ | ]

Into the Void Tactical Q/LB/L1/LB
Into the Void
Description Memposisikan ulang dengan cepat melalui ruang kosong yang aman, dan menghindari semua kerusakan.
Cooldown 25 seconds

  • Wraith menampilkan dua animasi saat mengaktifkan kemampuan ini, yang memakan waktu hingga 1,25 detik. Detik pertama dia memainkan animasi "focusing". Pada 0.25 detik terakhir Wraith "mengaktifkan" kemampuannya.
  • Ada jeda singkat saat masuk dan keluar dari kekosongan di mana Wraith tidak dapat melakukan tindakan lainnya. Gerakan juga diperlambat sebesar 20% kecuali Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift diaktifkan.
  • Setelah aktivasi, Wraith memasuki kekosongan selama 4 detik. Saat dalam kehampaan, layar akan berubah menjadi abu-abu, Anda menjadi kebal dan akan mendapatkan peningkatan kecepatan 30%. Anda masih bisa melihat musuh.
  • Musuh dapat melihat jejak biru tipis yang menunjukkan ke mana Anda pergi saat dalam kehampaan.
  • Saat berada dalam kekosongan, Wraith tidak dapat berinteraksi dengan beberapa objek di dunia, termasuk pintu dan objek yang ditempatkan oleh kemampuan, tetapi dapat menggunakan ziplines.

  • Anda bisa mengaktifkan kemampuan ini saat menggunakan Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift.
  • Saat in the void diaktifkan, Wraith tidak meninggalkan jejak untuk Tracker Tracker milik Bloodhound. Namun demikian, terdapat petunjuk unik untuk masuk dan keluar dalam fase tersebut.
  • Kemampuan ini tidak akan aktif jika Wraith terkena Silence Silence milik Revenant (sebelum diaktifkan). Wraith dapat menggunakannya lagi setelah waktu habis.

  • Kemampuan ini membutuhkan waktu 1,25 detik untuk diaktifkan, jadi berhati-hatilah dengan darah Anda saat menggunakannya sebagai alat pelarian, coba gunakan saat darah Anda sekitar setengah kerusakan.
  • Pastikan untuk mencapai tempat aman saat Anda keluar dari kekosongan karena ada penundaan sebelum Anda dapat melakukan hal lain.

  • Jika Anda menekan tombol kemampuan ultimate sebelum terisi penuh atau Into the Void diaktifkan, kemampuan tersebut tidak akan aktif.
  • Memanjat dinding akan menghentikan pengaktifan kemampuan.
  • Dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi, Wraith masih dapat menerima kerusakan saat menggunakan kemampuannya.

Voices from the Void[ | ]

Voices from the Void Passive
Voices from the Void
Description A voice warns you when danger approaches. As far as you can tell, it's on your side.

  • You hear a spectral voice audibly warn you if:
    • An enemy is aiming at you
    • An enemy with a sniper rifle is aiming at you
    • A grenade is thrown at you
    • There are traps nearby
    • There are many enemies nearby
    • Many people have died near you
  • When you hear the voice, you can share the info with your squadmates.

  • As Voices from the Void warns you when someone is aiming at you, you can easily go out into the open with decreased danger, provided you have nearby cover to retreat to. When combined with your Into the Void Into the Void ability, this passive makes avoiding ambushes very easy.

  • Terkadang suara tidak aktif.

Dimensional Rift[ | ]

Dimensional Rift Ultimate Z/LB+RB/L1+R1/LB+RB
Dimensional Rift
Description Link two locations with portals for 60 seconds, allowing anyone to use them.
Charge time 210 minutes

  • Wraith places one end of a portal where she activates the ability, then runs to another location and places the other end. Players can then pass through the portal to take that same path through the void at 5x the speed they would otherwise. It can be used in either direction.
  • Wraith can run roughly 75 meters before placing the other end of the portal. The Rift Energy is shown on top of your H.U.D. upon activation and does not drain while standing still.
  • If Wraith uses less than 4.72% of the Rift Energy, then places the other end of a portal, it will be canceled, allowing her to keep her ultimate charge at 100%.
  • While running to place the other end, Wraith cannot use any weapons, items, or map features, but she does receive a 25% speed bonus and can skip the Into the Void 'Focusing' animation.
  • Wraith cannot use another Dimension Rift while placing hers, that is she only simply goes pass the rift without entering it.
  • Players taking the portal are invulnerable and leave a faint blue trail, much like Wraith while using Into the Void.
  • Portals will disappear after four seconds if both ends are outside The Ring.

  • The speed bonus while placing the portals does not stack with Into the Void Into the Void's speed bonus.
  • Players are the only things able to pass through portals. No projectiles, objects, Crypto drones, or Mirage decoys can use them.
  • Wattson's Perimeter Security Perimeter Security fences can be built intersecting the portal since it is intangible.
  • Players cannot use a portal for two seconds after being recalled by Revenant’s Death Totem Death Totem.
  • Can be destroyed by Horizon’s Black Hole Black Hole.

  • This ability is best used to help your squad escape when backed into a corner.
  • The portal can be used to help downed teammates to quickly travel or to bait enemies if done correctly.
  • You can use your abilities while placing a portal.
  • The portal rift follows you, and when it is placed, it places you where you are facing. Make sure to face the direction you want when you place the portal.
  • Multiple players can take the portal at the same time instead of waiting for one to exit.
  • You can place the exit of the portal at the edge of a map and any enemies that fall for the bait will fall to their deaths or into a map feature that does environmental damage. Be careful when doing this as your teammates can fall victim to this method.

  • Sometimes players cannot enter the portal.
  • Sometimes players may travel through the portal slower than intended.

Low Profile[ | ]

Low Profile Passive
Low Profile
Description Lebih sulit untuk dilukai, kerusakan yang masuk meningkat 5%.
Cooldown N/A seconds

  • Tambahan, tembakan di kaki dan tubuh memiliki tingkat kerusakan yang sama.

Barang Kosmetika[ | ]

Skin[ | ]

Wraith tersedia 65 skin Legend; 20 Legendary, 7 epic, 22 Rare dan 16 Common.

  1. The skin was named "Ghostwraith" on release, but was changed to its current name.
  2. Included in the Wicked Wraith Bundle.

Penyelesaian[ | ]

Main article: Finishers

Set Heirloom[ | ]

Main article: Heirlooms
Wraith Heirloom Set

Wraith's Heirloom Set

Set ini berisi:

  • Skin Senjata Jarak Dekat: Kunai
  • Pose Banner: Fearless
  • Intro Quip: "You know what I look like - come find me."

Lencana[ | ]

Main article: Wraith/Badges

Emot Skydive[ | ]

Semprotan Holo[ | ]

Main article: Holosprays

Paket Musik[ | ]

Main article: Music Packs

Tampilan Memuat Layar[ | ]

Main article: Transition

Suara[ | ]

  • "My name is Wraith - and we have a job to do."
  • "Trust me - I know what I’m doing."
  • "I know all the roads. They all lead to the same place."
  • "I’ve seen it all. Nothing surprises me."
  • "Each choice changes everything."
  • "I’m not afraid-- I’ll never be."
  • "The win is out there looking for you. It’ll find you if you let it."
  • "Follow me if you want to win."
  • "I know what you’re looking for. I’m in."
  • "I’ve got everything you need."
  • "You made the right choice this time."
  • "Let’s go find them all."
  • "Let’s pick the right way and go."
  • "All that matters... is being the last one alive."
  • "I know where we want to be-- follow me."
  • "With the right moves, we’ll take this win."
  • "There’s a win out there waiting for us."
  • "Prepared and ready."
  • "Listen-- and fight."
  • "We have no choice but to win."

  • "You know what I look like - come find me."
  • ▶️ "Follow my path to win."
  • ▶️ "I don't fear anything. Can you say the same?"
  • ▶️ "Pain... death... nothing phases me."
  • ▶️ "Try not to blink, you may miss me."
  • ▶️ "There's a thin line between life and death. Find me there/You'll find me there."
  • ▶️ Fight or Fright Icon "I'll travel every road, kick down every door, till I get what I want."
  • ▶️ Holo-Day Bash Icon "You think it's cold? Spend time in The Void. You'll know what's cold."
  • ▶️ "Just a step in the right direction."
  • ▶️ "Another day, another road."
  • ▶️ "Every decision counts."
  • ▶️ "Good choice... for me."
  • ▶️ "I saw this coming."
  • ▶️ "I'll take you down more than once."
  • ▶️ "I'm here today... let's do this."
  • ▶️ "I'm quick, and I'll finish this."
  • ▶️ "I've been here before."
  • ▶️ "It's my turn this time."
  • ▶️ "I know more than you'll never know."
  • ▶️ "You don't get here by sitting around doing nothing."
  • ▶️ "Something wrong with your head if you fight me."
  • ▶️ "Trust just your eyes and you'll lose."
  • ▶️ "Wanna win? Do what I do."

  • ▶️ Fight or Fright Icon "You chose the wrong door to knock on."
  • ▶️ Holo-Day Bash Icon "Death... like winter... is unavoidable."
  • ▶️ Season 5 Icon "There's a void in your heart, and I put it there."
  • Season 7 Icon "This didn't have to be your end. You chose this fate."
  • "Let's just say a little birdie told me all about you."
  • "Can't catch what you can't see."
  • "Caught you."
  • "Don't blame yourself."
  • "Every decision counts."
  • "I caught the win this time."
  • "I knew this end would come, just didn't know when."
  • "I knew your every move."
  • "I saw this coming a mile away."
  • "I'd say try better."
  • "I've seen this all before."
  • "I know if we fought together, things would be different."
  • "In another life, this may have been different."
  • "Maybe in another time or space, you killed me... but not this one."
  • "It's deja vu with you fighters."
  • "Knowledge is power... and pain."
  • "Listen to everything... and you can win."
  • "Looking for me? Here I am."
  • "A match like this is much more than shooting a gun."
  • "There were multiple ways this could end. I chose this one."
  • "Not today."
  • "Now you see me."
  • "I guess I was just one step ahead of you."
  • "Each win gets me one step closer to what I want."
  • "Shoot this."
  • "Sometimes you lose, sometimes you don't."
  • "Step quieter next time."
  • "Surprise."
  • "This was the outcome this time... it's just the way it is."
  • "The road you chose has ended here."
  • "Don't worry, there was no way out of this."
  • "This didn't have to happen... but it did."
  • "This is where it ends."
  • "Too slow."
  • "We all have our reasons... don't take this personally."
  • "This is what happens when you are not focused."
  • "You challenged the wrong person."
  • "Be honest, you knew this would end here."
  • "You lost this time."
  • "Your choice is pointless... none of this matters."
  • "Don't worry, I would've gotten you anyway... zigged or zagged."

  • I'm Jumpmaster
    • "I'm the jumpmaster. This time."
    • "It's time. I'm the jumpmaster."
    Here we go / Dropping as jumpmaster
    • "Here we go. Ready up."
    • “Dropping in, hang on.”
    Skydive emote
    • "Here goes nothing."
    • "Let's do this."
    Opening fire on the enemy
    • "Opening fire."
    • "Firing."
    Downed an enemy
    • "Downed an enemy."
    Another enemy down
    • "Another enemy down."
    Multiple enemies down
    • "Multiple down."
    Whole Squad down
    • "That was the last one. Nice work."
    • “Whole Squad’s down. We made the right choices.”
    • “That’s the last of that Squad, this dimension’s looking up.”
    • (Solo) “Whole Squad down.”
    • (Solo) “Took out the whole Squad.”
    Kill with Kunai
    • "I play the hand I'm dealt."
    • "All you need is all you have."
    • "That one's for you, freedom's what you take."
    • "That's a clean cut; swift, strong, simple.
    Kill in Pathfinder's Fight Night Ring
    • "It wasn't a fair fight. It was you against all of me."
    • "Sorry, you were never gonna win. I knew every punch you were ever gonna throw."
    Another Squad attacking
    • ▶️ "Watch yourself. There's another squad attacking."
    • ▶️ "Another squad's attacking. Focus."
    Taking damage
    • "They spotted me. I'm taking shots."
    • "Getting shot at."
    • "I'm getting hit over here."
    • "This time I'm down."
    • "I’ve been downed."
    I got you / Reviving squadmate
    • "This won't hurt - hold on."
    • "One second. We got this."
    • [to Rampart] "Come on, let's get you home to Mirage."
    • [to Rampart] "Keep breathing. Mirage'll kill me if I lose his special friend."
    Healing up / Recharging shield
    • "Healing up. Eyes are open though.
    • "Patching myself up.*
    • "Need to recharge my shields."
    Using Phoenix Kit Phoenix Kit
    • “I’m hurt. Using a Phoenix Kit.”
    Being respawned
    • "Now for the right choice."
    • "This time will be different."
    Squadmate killed
    • "Only you and me left."
    Squadmate kill an enemy
    • "Nice choice."
    Throwing Ordnances
    • "Frag out."
    Dropping a Holo-Spray
    • "Leaving my mark on this world."
    • "Just so they know who they’re facing."
    Entering trident's driver seat
    • "Get in and hold tight."
    • "Come on. There's a path we need to follow."

    Suggesting location
    • "Let’s go this way."
    • "Let’s explore this way."
    • "Might be something good this way."
    • "We should go here."
    • "Listen, let's move here."
    • "Target over there."
    • "Enemy spotted."
    Pinging a Charge Tower
    • "Charge Tower here if you need a power-up."
    • "Got a Charge Tower over there."
    • "Charge Tower here."
    • "Charge Tower there."
    Treasure pack
    • "Treasure pack here. Picked the right road."
    [Quip] Nice / Celebrations
    • "Yes. Made it through."
    • "Feels good when the plan actually works, nice job."
    • "And that's how you get the job done."
    [Quip] Thank You
    • "Thanks."
    • [to Crypto or Loba] "Thanks. Nice tech."
    [Quip] You're Welcome
    • "No problem."
    • "You got it."
    • (Revive) “No problem. Stay safe.”
    • [to Revenant] "Nobody asked."
    • [to Revenant] "I didn't ask."
    [Quip] Get in the vehicle
    • “Get in the Trident or walk, your choice.”
    • “Come on, get in the vehicle.”

    Nox Gas Trap Nox Gas Trap
    • "Friendly trap deployed."
    Perimeter Security Perimeter Security
    • "We got a fence here."
    Black Market Boutique Black Market Boutique
    • "Black Market here. Could be good this time."
    Amped Cover Amped Cover
    • "We've got a barrier that was deployed here."
    • "Enemy deployed a barrier, stay vigilant."
    Emplaced Minigun "Sheila" Emplaced Minigun "Sheila"
    • "There's a heavy turret here."
    Gravity Lift Gravity Lift
    • "Gravity Lift here, if you want some elevation."
    Black Hole Black Hole
    • "Got a Black Hole forming here."

    Voices from the Void Voices from the Void
    • "Shooter! Move!"
    • "Danger, move!"
    • "They're aiming right at you."
    • "You're being aimed at."
    • "You're in their sights."
    • "They might have seen you."
    • “They might be watching you.”
    • “You’re in view of the enemy.”
    • "Sniper, move!"
    • "It's a sniper."
    • "You're in a hot zone."
    • “You’re in a kill zone.”
    • “It’s not safe there.”
    • "You're not safe there."
    • "Others died there."
    • "They've laid traps."
    • "Traps."
    Relaying warnings from Voices from the Void Voices from the Void
    • "I have a feeling we're open targets."
    • "I think I may have been spotted."
    • ▶️"We may have been spotted."
    • "I think someone's aiming at me. Not sure."
    • "There may be a shooter nearby."
    • "I think there's a trap around here."
    • "I'm pretty sure we're open targets."
    • "Not sure, I think someone's targeting me."
    • "Pretty sure someone's got a shot on me."
    • "Someone’s got a shot on me, pretty sure."
    • "Trap nearby."
    • "There’s a sniper in the area. Maybe."
    • "Not sure, I think there’s a sniper in the area."
    • "There may be some enemies around, not sure."
    Using Into the Void Into the Void
    • "Phasing."
    • "Going to phase."
    • "Void-jumping."
    • "Void-running."
    Using Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift
    • "Placing a portal."
    • "Setting a portal."
    • "Punching a tunnel."
    • "Follow the tunnel."
    Closing Dimensional Rift Dimensional Rift
    • "Portal placed."
    • "Portal's ready."
    • "I set the portal."
    Silence Silenced

    First Blood
    • "First blood. Should have seen that coming."
    Champion eliminated
    • "The champion made a poor choice."
    New Kill Leader Appointed
    • "New kill leader -- watch for them."
    • “Heads up, new kill leader.”
    Kill Leader Eliminated by your Squad
    • "Smart. Kill Leader down."
    • "We took out the Kill Leader. Good Choice."
    • (solo) "heh, Kill leader."
    Appointed as Kill Leader
    • "I'm your new Kill Leader."
    • "I'm the Kill Leader. That's fine."
    Squadmate appointed as Kill Leader
    • "Kill Leader, nice."
    • "Good work, Kill Leader."
    Half the Squads left
    • “Half the Squads remain.”
    • “Half gone, half left.”
    • [Solo] "Half the squads remain. I got this."
    • [Solo] "Half the squads are gone. I'm fine with that."
    Two Squads left
    • "Only two Squads left."
    One Squad left
    • "One more Squad."
    • "Last Squad."

    Ring's far
    • "Next ring's far"
    • "Next ring's not very close."
    • [Solo] "Ring's far, good to know."
    45 Seconds until near Ring closures
    • "Ring's not too far. 45 left."
    • [Solo] "45 until Ring close - it's near. Easy."
    • [Solo] "Ring's not that far."
    Ring closing
    • "Heads up. The Ring's moving."

    Conversation will be triggered when Wraith and Wattson are at Singh Labs


    • "The ghost is real. She attacked me… down in that lab."


    • "I told you - There's no such thing as-- wait. We should talk more about this later."
    • "I promise you. Natalie, you didn't see it-- hold up. We should discuss this later."

    Riwayat[ | ]

    Trivia[ | ]

    • Kemampuan Wraith berasal dari kemampuan taktis Phase Shift Titanfall 2.
    • Log audio yang ditemukan dalam game di dalam lab penelitian mengungkapkan Wraith adalah Research Science Pilot.
    • Saat menggunakan kemampuan Into the Void, pemain dapat melihat siluet pemain Wraith lain menggunakan kemampuan tersebut secara bersamaan.
    • Tiga teman teratas Wraith di antara Legend, adalah Mirage, Pathfinder, dan Wattson.[2]
    • Animasi sprint Wraith dulunya adalah apa yang sering disebut sebagai "Naruto run" di mana dia melipat kepalanya ke depan dan berlari dengan tangan di belakang punggungnya. Kemudian dihapus karena membuatnya terlalu sulit untuk dilukai dibandingkan dengan Legend lainnya, bahkan yang memiliki hitbox yang sama seperti Lifeline dan Wattson.[3]
    • Saat Wraith belajar lebih banyak tentang dirinya sendiri sebelum dia kehilangan ingatannya, dia secara aktif berusaha menghindari menjadi dirinya yang dulu. Renee digambarkan dengan watak pemarah, kurang empati, dan berbahaya bagi rekan-rekannya.
    Dagangan (promosi)

    Rujukan[ | ]
